How to Play Sanctum 2 with Steam Online -

May 19, 2013 – Initial Release.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the new game Sanctum 2, which was released on May 15, 2013 according to Steam. Well, 1 day later Versatile already has a tutorial on how to play it online using Steam and Tunngle. I’ve decided, once again, to relay that to our MysteryBlock readers so there’s a simple text tutorial to follow for those who want it.

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Let’s begin!

How to Play Sanctum 2 Online on Steam

What you need:

Alright, so you got Santum 2, the Steam client, and Tunngle installed. Now what?

We’re going to need to install the “Multiplayer Fix“, which can be found via the Tunngle redirect link here. By install, we mean extracting the contents of the .zip file into your GameInstall Folder.

This step is optional, but I’ve done it just to find other players who are looking for servers and/or hosting their own servers to play on. Join the group here. The co-writer of this tutorial owns the group so you can ask him questions there; he’ll be happy to help.

Next up, log into Tunngle and join the Sanctum 2 Network. If you still don’t know how to join servers, simply go to the Tunngle wiki and they’ll help you out.

Once you’ve joined the network, launch Steam. Log in, find Sanctum 2, and launch it.

Now, you must unlock the Multiplayer via the Save Folder. If you don’t know how to do that, simply play the tutorial and everything should be good for you.

Once you’ve got Multiplayer unlocked, join any of the matches that come up and enjoy! 🙂

How to Play Sanctum 2 Online with Steam Video Tutorial

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For the same concept using Tunngle to play videogames online with Steam, find out How to Play Monaco LAN Online here. We’ve also recently incorporated our MysteryBlock Loyalty Program, which allows you, our readers, to earn real-life rewards just for visiting the site! Click the link to learn more.


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